Our Political Action Committee holds a strong stance against the use of automated traffic enforcement tools, such as red light cameras at street intersections. We believe that these tools fail to account for the variability and complexity of human judgment and circumstances. Situations such as adverse weather conditions, emergencies, or the need for a quick response can make strict adherence to traffic rules impractical or even dangerous. The reliance on automated systems for issuing traffic violations is viewed as an overly simplistic and potentially unjust approach to traffic governance.

Additionally, we express concerns over the use of speed monitoring by law enforcement officers, particularly when it seems to target motorists indiscriminately. While acknowledging that most people comply with speed limits, we recognize that exceptions may be justified under certain circumstances. The enforcement practices in some states, like California’s penalization of drivers for merely moving a phone within their vehicle, are seen as excessive and a misuse of police resources.

We argue that the police force should prioritize addressing significant public safety issues such as thefts, robberies, acts of terror, and accidents, rather than focusing on minor traffic infractions. This shift in focus would represent a more effective use of law enforcement resources and better serve public safety needs.

Our committee is pro-police and supports many police-related causes. However, we advocate for a reassessment of traffic enforcement practices to ensure they are fair, reasonable, and considerate of the complexities of real-life situations. We believe that a more judicious allocation of police resources towards serious crimes and public safety concerns, rather than traffic violations, would be more beneficial for communities and law enforcement alike.