Our Political Action Committee (PAC) is focused on addressing the critical issue of trade imbalances that significantly impact the American economy. We believe that the United States possesses the capability and resources to manufacture most electronic items and consumables domestically, reducing dependence on foreign production from countries like China, Indonesia, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and others.

We hold the view that trade deals such as NAFTA and the Global Trade Act have irreparably harmed the U.S. economy by favoring cheap imports, especially from Communist China. This reliance on foreign goods for electronics, clothing, medication, and various consumables has created a substantial trade deficit and weakened our domestic manufacturing sector. We advocate for a national strategy towards self-sufficiency, encouraging domestic production and consumption.

We propose that the U.S. should emulate countries like Switzerland and Germany, which have successfully managed their economies through domestic production and export-driven growth. Switzerland’s ability to produce domestically over 80% of what it consumes and Germany’s focus on exporting goods and services are models that the U.S. could emulate. These countries have shown that strong domestic economies can be built without heavy reliance on imports.

Furthermore, we emphasize the need to address the U.S. dependence on foreign oil and other imports. This imbalance is not sustainable and contributes to a growing national debt, particularly to countries like Communist China and oil-producing nations in the Middle East hostile to us. We advocate for immediate actions to correct these imbalances and to focus on strengthening our domestic economy.

The money we have sent as payment for the import of goods and services to Communist China has enabled them to become the second-most-powerful military force in the world, challenging the United States militarily in every geographic quadrant of the world. While we recognize the potential of religious influences, such as the growth of the Christian Church in China, in shaping global democratic and economic landscapes, the current Government of China is clearly communist and a clear adversary to the United States with unbridled Global ambitions. Our primary concern remains the well-being and prosperity of the American people. We urge for a re-evaluation of trade policies, particularly with Communist China, to prevent the complete and utter annihilation of the U.S. manufacturing base and to protect American jobs and standards of living.

Our stance is very clear: prioritize American economic interests, encourage domestic production, and reverse the trend of offshore manufacturing and intellectual property to foreign nations. We call for action to realign trade policies in favor of American interests and to support domestic growth and self-reliance.