The efforts of Governors Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Chris Christie of New Jersey in challenging collective bargaining rights have been notable for their direct approach to addressing state fiscal challenges. Their actions exemplify the proactive measures that can be taken by state leaders to mitigate financial issues. The stance taken against labor unions is highlighted as a strategic move towards reducing business costs and enhancing the competitive edge of the United States in the global manufacturing sector.

To revive and sustain job growth within the country, particularly in sectors that have seen jobs migrate to regions with lower labor costs such as Hong Kong, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, and Egypt, the proposal advocates for the implementation of significant tax incentives. These incentives aim to encourage companies to hire and retain workers domestically, countering the trend of outsourcing and offshoring that has impacted the U.S. labor market.

Historical references to the period under the leadership of Newt Gingrich, when the U.S. House Republicans managed to achieve unemployment rates below 4% between 1995 and 1999, serve as a testament to the potential for effective policy and leadership to significantly improve employment levels. This past success is presented as evidence that, with the right strategies and leadership, it is possible to maintain low unemployment rates and foster a robust economy. The call to action suggests that by adopting similar measures, the United States can once again achieve and sustain an economically vibrant environment with low unemployment.